RMA complies with all relevant environmental laws and regulations, objectives and goals dedicated to the wellbeing of the environment. It constantly develops and improves internal systems for environmental sustainability.

RMA participates in cooperative environmental programs with business partners and customers whenever possible. It mentors its employees to be mindful of the thoughtful utilization and value of natural resources. The company is a leader in environmental responsibility through example and encouragement, promoting and communicating practical policies on environmental sustainability management to employees, sub-contractors, suppliers, customers and related communities.

RMA Group is also deeply committed to being socially responsible, including minimizing its effect on the environment. It continually challenges itself to reduce or offset its carbon footprint and switch from non-renewable resources to making more efficient use of renewable resources. RMA, thus, is constantly seeking partners who share RMA’s philosophy of being environmentally responsible.

JCB: RMA’s heavy-equipment supplier initiated energy-saving measures in 2009 that enabled it to reduce its CO2 emissions by 7,800 tons. By 2020, JCB expects to reduce its direct greenhouse gas impact by 35%-40%.

ISO 9001:2008: Accreditation assures RMA customers of the Group’s commitment to minimize processes in product manufacturing that negatively affect the environment.


Ford Motor Company: Another partner of RMA Group began using wheat straw-reinforced plastic, rather than 100% traditional petroleum products, to create plastic storage bins.

Jaguar Land Rover: It applies sustainable manufacturing which uses fewer resources and creates less waste. Since 2007, Jaguar Land Rover reduced their manufacturing facility CO,‚ emissions by more than 30% (per vehicle). New vehicles are designed to be 85% recyclable and 95% recoverable at the end of their life. By 2020, JLR aims to be carbon neutral in their manufacturing operations.